


Consistently ranked one of the best online graduate programs in 教育技术.

  ranked one of the best online graduate programs in the country  最佳在线课程 ranked one of the best online graduate programs in the country 大学总部网站为25名教学技术硕士颁发的徽章图像    Image of award for best online online master's in educational technology degree programs of 2024






 2024年秋季-尽快申请 6月1日 申请的最后日期是什么时候


For detailed information about our program, check out our 交互杂志.

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  • Learn the how 和 why of 使用 technology in student-centered ways to engage your students
  • Focus on integrating technology into your classroom to help your students meet the CCSS
  • Assignments 和 projects are directly applicable to your teaching context
  • Combines 教育技术 theory 和 practice
  • 项目获得了 Seal of Alignment for the ISTE Coach St和ards
  • 不懂电脑? 没问题
  • 16个月
  • 完全在线  — all our courses are online, interactive, asynchronous 
  • Cohort-based Model — you’ll be with the same peers throughout the program
  • Make connections with educators throughout the state, region, other countries!
  • Be recognized as an educational technology leader!



根据 Association of Educational Communications 和 Technology, “教育技术是通过创造来促进学习和提高表现的研究和道德实践, 使用, managing appropriate technological processes 和 resources”. 教育技术 is more than computers 和 the tools (i.e., technology) that educators 和 students use. 教育技术包括 教育学评估 这使得教育工作者可以使用技术来帮助他们的学生学习并提高他们的表现,无论他们在哪个年级,无论他们学习什么内容或技能. 教育技术, in the way we approach it in our program, is about 提高学生学习能力 通过教学中的最佳实践, 评估, the use of computers 和 other digital tools 和 devices. 从CSUF获得教育技术研究生学位将帮助你成为一名更有效的教育者!  

What will I learn in an Educational technology program?

The online educational technology program will introduce you to a wide-range of concepts, 的想法, research that will enhance what you do as an educator. The program is a mixture of theory 和 practice. 你将阅读研究和理论. You will explore current trends 和 issues in educational technology. We will examine issues related to equity 和 inclusion 和 the use of technology. 你将考虑科技在课堂中扮演的角色,以及如何最好地利用它来满足学习者的需求. 这个项目的一个主要目标是帮助你把你在这个项目中学到的东西和经历运用到你和你的学生身上,使其在你独特的环境中发挥作用. There are a number of specific topics 和 content areas that we focus on in the program. The following list includes some of these topics:

  • Distance education 和 how it enhance what you do in your PK-12 classroom
  • Problem-solving in 教与学 和 how technology fits with 解决问题
  • 制造和创客空间
  • 作为创造者的学生
  • 教学设计及其如何帮助教师设计以技术为媒介的教学体验
  • Design Thinking 和 how this can be used with students
  • Designing 和 developing instructional media that can be used by your students
  • 利用互联网进行教学
  • 了解数字素养,媒体素养,信息和通信技术素养
  • 数字化学习中学生隐私与安全管理学习理论与学习者发展
  • Underst和ing educational research--qualitative 和 quantitative research
  • Using educational research to make informed decisions that guide our practice
  • 写一篇连贯的文献综述
  • Underst和ing curriculum design 和 development
  • Best practices in professional development, informal learning, teacher growth
  • Writing grants 和 professional conference proposals
  • Becoming a change agent who can assist other educators with effective integration of technology
  • 开发一个专业组合来展示你作为一个教育者的能力,你可以有效地使用技术,并帮助其他教育者做同样的事情(基于ISTE教练标准)

What you may notice missing from the list is specific educational technology tools. 尽管你会在整个在线课程中使用和看到不同的教育技术工具, we do not specifically teach you how to use tools. We are more interested in you learning about best practices, 研究, the theory about 使用 educational technology rather than foc使用 on specific tools. As you know, technology tools change rapidly. 和, 您在教学环境中使用的工具可能与我们使用的不同. We want you to pick the tools that work best for you 和 your students. 再一次。, 你肯定会使用各种各样的技术工具,并被介绍到许多不同的工具.

What can I do with a graduate degree in 教育技术?

教育技术的研究生学位将首先帮助你提高你作为教育工作者的能力. Earning a graduate degree in 教育技术 from California State University, 富勒顿将为您提供知识和技能,这将改变您的教学和学生的学习. Graduates from our program have remained as elementary, middle school, high school teachers. Others have moved into leadership positions in their school, 学区, 在县一级.  Some have become technology facilitators or technology leads in their school. Others have become digital learning coaches, 特殊任务教师(TOSA), 地区技术协调员, county-level 地区技术协调员.We have alumni who work in higher education as technology support specialists, 教学设计者, 和老师. 我们的一些校友已经为专注于教育技术的非营利组织工作. Finally, we have graduates who have gone on to doctoral programs (e.g., 最可靠的买彩票平台, 加州州立大学贝克斯菲尔德分校, 约翰霍普金斯大学, 雷德兰兹大学, 南加州大学. These students have indicated that they were extremely well prepared for doctoral level work. 教育技术硕士学位将为您提供广泛的教学机会. 

How long does it take to complete the online program? 我能开慢一点吗?

The Master's in 教育技术 program is completed in three semesters 和 a summer. You'll take the following courses all online:

第一学期 第二学期 夏天 最后一个学期

EDEL 511教育研究调查 (满16周)

EDEL 523 Issues 和 Trends in Distance Education (前八周) 

EDEL 515 Problem Solving 和 Technology in Schools (后八周)

学习理论 (满16周) 

EDEL 518A Issues in Instructional Design of Software for Use in Schools (前八周)

EDEL 518B Multimedia Development 和 Instruction in the Classroom (后八周)

EDEL 522 Web Design 和 Instruction in Schools (前五周)

EDEL 536 Curriculum Theory 和 Development (后五个星期)

EDEL 590 Technology Professional Development in Schools (16周) 

EDEL 594期末项目 (16周)

If you wish to take a slower path for completion, a potential schedule could be:

第一学期 第二学期 夏天 第三学期 夏天 最后一个学期

EDEL 523 Issues 和 Trends in Distance Education


EDEL 515 Problem Solving 和 Technology in Schools

EDEL 511教育研究调查



EDEL 522 Web Design 和 Instruction in Schools (前五周)

EDEL 536 Curriculum Theory 和 Development (后五个星期)


EDEL 518A Issues in Instructional Design of Software for Use in Schools (前八周)

EDEL 518B Multimedia Development 和 Instruction in the Classroom (后八周)

EDEL 522 Web Design 和 Instruction in Schools (前五周)

EDEL 536 Curriculum Theory 和 Development (后五个星期)


EDEL 590 Technology Professional Development in Schools (16周) 

EDEL 594


或者考虑一下  Graduate Certificate in 教育技术 Integration

对于那些已经获得硕士学位,但仍希望通过以学生为中心的方式有效整合技术来提高技能的人来说,这个证书是理想的. To earn this certificate in 教育技术 Integration, you may chose 这5门课中的4门:

EDEL 514 Technology Across the Curriculum (not currently offered)
EDEL 515 Problem Solving 和 Technology in Schools (typically offered Fall 和 Spring)
EDEL 522 Web Design 和 Instruction in Schools (typically offered 夏天)
EDEL 523 Issues 和 Trends in Distance Education (typically offered Fall 和 Spring)
EDEL 590 Technology Professional Development in Schools (typically offered Fall 和 Spring)

你可以选择 两个 额外的课程.
EDEL 518A学校使用软件的教学设计问题(通常提供秋季和春季)
EDEL 518B多媒体开发和课堂教学(通常提供秋季和春季)

If you’d like more information about the Graduate Certificate, please 最可靠的买彩票平台. 你通过 application process for the Graduate Certificate 为了申请.



你不需要成为一名PK-12老师. You do, however, need teaching experience. 对你来说,有必要接触到学生和教室,你可以在那里学习和体验你在这个项目中学到的东西. 如果你不是一名PK-12教师,或者你有你认为是一个独特的情况,我们鼓励你与我们交谈. 博士联系. 洛雷塔·多诺万 to discuss your situation. 

What is the cost to attend 和 how does it compare to other programs?


Not only is our program consistently ranked as one of the best online graduate programs, 这是非常划算的. 它一直是整个加州和美国最便宜的教育技术硕士之一. It will be difficult to find a better value for a graduate program. 


出勤费用 Comparison with other universitites
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学费,学费, & 书


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学费 & 费用只有


访问  学生商业服务. 欲知有关 费用支付,  金融援助  (你可以申请FAFSA).

请注意: Financial aid is not available for the Graduate Certificate in Technology Integration. 



For more information on unviersity scholarships 和 grants are offered through 金融援助PDF文件

For scholarships 和 grants specific to the 教育学院  see this document for specific scholarships.PDF文件

Can you tell me about learning online 和 the classroom experience?

最可靠的买彩票平台的教育技术项目为学生提供了丰富而创新的在线学习体验. 你将在一场互动中学习, 高度互动的远程教育环境,以各种方式将您与您的同学和教师联系起来. 你将参与在线异步小组讨论,并通过同步通信工具,如Zoom, 谷歌满足, 微软团队, 翻转, X (Twitter), vox, 和更多的. 作为课程的一部分,您还将参与其他技术工具,如人工智能(AI)。. This means you're not tackling a rigorous, online master's program on your own. Learning occurs through exploring course content 使用 various media.

You will learn from faculty who are both experts in educational technology, 教与学, 在网上教学中. Our faculty have experience teaching in PK-12 through higher education. Our faculty have also been educational leaders (e.g., school administrators, educational technology directors, directors of distance education). 

所有这些都转化为精心设计的课程——理论与研究的融合——与现实世界的应用. Research, projects, coursework address important educational issues that are relevant to you. What you learn today you can incorporate into your classroom tomorrow.

在我们基于队列的项目中, you get to know your peers by taking classes together in a scheduled sequence. Our students value this approach because it facilitates collaboration, 解决问题, the sharing of professional knowledge that can be brought back 和 used in their classrooms.  在整个课程中,与专业人士一起学习和工作可以提高您的学习经验. You are able to establish valuable ne两个rks that last well beyond the program. 我们有一个充满活力的校友社区,为持续的合作和支持提供机会. You have opportunities to engage in local, State, National conferences. Our students have collaborated with each other 和 with our faculty to present at conferences, 进行研究, 发表的文章, collaborate on other types of projects. 

You can expect personalized attention 和 support throughout the program. 当你需要帮助时,我们的课程和项目的互动功能可以让你更容易获得老师的帮助. Our students say this is unmatched by anything a traditional classroom offers. Our online graduate program is highly collaborative by design. 那些在项目中教学的人经常相互沟通,以支持你,改进课程和整体体验. Your teachers will know you 和 you will know your them. 

In sum, the program is engaging, rigorous, relevant. 当你检查你的教学实践,以及如何通过使用教育技术来最好地支持你的学生时,你可以期待被推动和挑战. You can also expect to be supported 和 treated with care 和 respect. 

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